The use of bubbling systems is a well-known procedure in the glass industry, the primary aim of which being to intensify the melting process by strengthening and stabilizing the glass flow. This affects the melting process in terms of improved homogenizing and increased melting performance as well as speeding up the re-melting process.
The HORN bubbling system consists of three main components:
- ceramic or metal nozzles with minor accessories
- flow-control cabinet
- compressed air supply with tank and conditioning
The compact air generating and conditioning plant ensures economic and efficient cleaning of the air used.
The HORN flow control station facilitates the extremely accurate control of the air quantity. Automatic control of the system is optionally available.
Apart from air, there is the option of using other gases for the bubbling system. Ceramic or metal nozzles are used for the system, depending on the individual application. The number of nozzles and the positioning depends on the application and can be determined by HORN who then proposes the optimal solution.
- Tableware Glass
- Hollow Glass
- Flat Glass
Brand: http://www.hornglass.de